EPA’s National Carbon Pollution Standards

On June 2, the EPA and President Barack Obama released a proposal that will set the first-ever national carbon pollution standards limits for existing U.S. power plants. Is this move all about politics or is this simply the right thing to do?

Energy Star for Architects

Energy Star for Architects and Designers – A Tool to Set Them Apart from Competition Architects and designers who are looking at setting themselves apart from their competitors may find a highly recognized logo added to their plans will do just that – using Energy Star as a Tool for Architects. The EPA reports these… Continue reading Energy Star for Architects

Solar Alive in Louisiana

Proponents Help Keep Solar Alive in Louisiana Thanks to the Alliance for Affordable Energy, Vote Solar Initiative and others who worked diligently to keep solar alive in Louisiana. Last week, the Louisiana Public Service Commission decided to conduct one solar panel cost and benefit study of the value of solar and continue Louisiana’s current net metering… Continue reading Solar Alive in Louisiana

Conserve Energy: Tips For Heating Your Home

How to Conserve Energy? It’s the time of the year when temperatures start to drop, and we all start to prepare for the imminent return of colder weather and all that comes with it.

Energy Efficiency – What is It and What Are The Appropriate Measures Businesses Can Take?

As energy bills are set to increase over the next few years, there is energy saving measures that businesses can undertake, in order to save money and in turn, increase the ever important profit margins.

Energy Saving Tips For Your Workplace

Ways to Save Energy in the Office With the cost of energy increasing year to year, more people are trying to save energy and save money at home. This practice can be duplicated in the workplace, where millions of businesses are still using extreme amounts of energy and wasting a lot of money.

Think Environmentally Friendly Doesn’t Matter To You? Think Again!

It’s safe to say that humans have certainly made their mark on the planet, but unfortunately it hasn’t always been in an environmentally friendly and beneficial way. For something so delicately balanced and perfectly suited for our very survival we sure do give it a beating!

How to Conserve Energy at Home?

How to Conserve Energy at Home outlines some great tips, so if you’re looking for effective but simple solutions to your family’s rising energy costs, then search no further.

The Sustainability Challenge In Business and How to Get Buy In

We’ve all heard the saying that consumer would prefer to buy than be sold to, right? Well, after doing some reading and research, it turns out that “selling” sustainability is no different.

5 Ways To Make Your Business Green and Save your money

5 Green Business Ideas to Start Greening Your Business Environmentally friendly practices are currently on the rise and customers are becoming more and more aware of the need to use eco-friendly products and businesses. Thus it is really important your business plays a part in this trend as well, so we lend a hand by… Continue reading 5 Ways To Make Your Business Green and Save your money