
Commercial Lighting Controls in Louisiana


In the ever changing business landscape of Louisiana, commercial lighting controls are scoring big wins. As an essential component in modern facilities, these innovative systems are reshaping operational norms. They inject energy efficiency and comfort into businesses, taking them to a new echelon of operational effectiveness.

Introduction to Commercial Lighting Controls

When one mentions ‘commercial lighting controls,’ an image of sophisticated tools and cutting-edge systems managing light in commercial spaces is conjured. These aren’t just lighting fixtures; they are state-of-the-art systems that maximize every photon. They ensure that every space is illuminated just right, striking the perfect balance between comfort and energy conservation.

The Importance of Commercial Lighting Controls

Commercial lighting controls transcend the simple functionality of on/off switches. They serve as the lifeblood of a well-designed space, contributing significantly to its aesthetics, functionality, and energy management. The glow they provide doesn’t merely light up a space; it enhances the ambiance, propels productivity, and underscores the significance of energy-conscious practices. Simply put, they are pivotal to cost-efficient operations.

Advancements in Commercial Lighting Controls

In the world of commercial lighting, technology has been a game-changer. Modern lighting controls are beneficiaries of these tech advancements, evolving into smart, adaptive solutions. Gone are the days of conventional on/off switches. Today, you’ll find smart sensors, automated timers, and daylight harvesting systems at the heart of commercial lighting. This array of technology has made commercial lighting smarter, more adaptive, and ultra-energy-efficient.

The Evolution of Commercial Lighting Controls in Louisiana

Louisiana’s journey in adopting commercial lighting controls is akin to the global trends, epitomizing acceptance and the embracing of new-age technologies. The state’s evolution charts a path from rudimentary lighting control to embracing advanced, energy-efficient systems.

Historical Context

A glance into the past reveals how Louisiana’s commercial spaces initially relied heavily on manual switches for managing their lighting needs. However, as the specter of escalating energy costs loomed large, along with the collective drive towards environmental sustainability, the state witnessed a seismic shift in its lighting control methods. The simplicity of manual controls gave way to technologically advanced systems, providing superior control and energy efficiency.

Present Scenario

Fast forward to the present day, and businesses in Louisiana have married tradition with innovation. They leverage a hybrid of traditional and advanced lighting controls to cater to their diverse needs. Cutting-edge technologies, such as occupancy sensors and daylight harvesting, have found their place in Louisiana’s commercial spaces. These commercial lighting control systems intelligently adapt to varying conditions, ensuring optimal lighting levels while conserving energy.

Types of Commercial Lighting Controls Used in Louisiana

In Louisiana’s vibrant commercial sector, one can find a wide range of lighting control systems, each chosen to match the unique needs and budgets of individual businesses. From occupancy sensors that respond to the presence or absence of people to advanced daylight harvesting systems that adjust interior lighting based on the natural light available, these different lighting controls play a pivotal role in the state’s energy conservation efforts. In the quest for efficiency, businesses across the state have embraced these systems, driving Louisiana’s march towards a greener, more sustainable future.

Occupancy Sensors

Occupancy sensors are the epitome of intuitive lighting control. These clever devices are adept at detecting the presence or absence of people in a space. The moment a room becomes vacant, these sensors spring into action, adjusting the lighting levels to conserve energy. Conversely, when they sense someone entering the room, they restore the light, ensuring optimum illumination and energy use.

Daylight Harvesting

The sun, our primary natural light source, is an untapped resource for many. Daylight harvesting systems, however, leverage this abundant source to enhance the lighting efficiency in commercial spaces. These systems employ specialized sensors to measure the volume of natural light available and seamlessly adjust the intensity of artificial lighting. The result is a perfect balance of natural and artificial light, a consistent level of illumination, and considerable energy savings.

Time Scheduling

Time scheduling systems are the embodiment of precision and predictability in lighting control. They operate based on pre-set schedules, effectively controlling when the lights are turned on or off. Whether it’s catering to the standard working hours or adjusting to daylight savings, these systems automate lighting control based on expected usage patterns. The result? Optimum lighting when needed and energy conservation when it’s not.

Dimming Controls

In the realm of personalized lighting control, dimming controls shine brightly. They offer a level of control that goes beyond the simple on/off dynamics. With dimming controls, you can modulate the intensity of lights to create the desired ambiance and meet specific lighting requirements. Whether it’s reducing glare for a presentation or creating a cozy atmosphere for a business dinner, dimming controls allow you to have the perfect light at your fingertips. And yes, they contribute significantly to energy efficiency too.

The Role of Commercial Lighting Controls in Energy Efficiency

Commercial lighting controls have emerged as key players in Louisiana’s energetic pursuit of energy efficiency. These advanced systems aren’t just about lighting spaces; they’re about doing so in a manner that conserves energy and promotes sustainability.

Energy Saving Potential

One of the prime benefits of commercial lighting controls is the considerable energy savings they offer. By intelligently managing the use of light, businesses can drastically reduce their energy consumption, leading to significant savings on utility bills. It’s a win-win scenario – achieving the desired lighting levels without burning a hole in the pocket.

Impact on Environment

The benefits of reduced energy consumption extend beyond financial savings. Lesser energy consumption translates into decreased greenhouse gas emissions. This plays a crucial role in minimizing the environmental impact, aligning businesses with Louisiana’s ambitious environmental sustainability goals.

Selecting the Right Commercial Lighting Controls in Louisiana

Navigating the sea of commercial lighting controls can be a daunting task. However, there are a few factors that can guide businesses in making an informed decision.

Factors to Consider

When deciding on lighting controls, businesses should evaluate their specific needs, available budget, and the type of control system that aligns best with their facility. The aim should be to find a solution that provides optimal lighting, energy efficiency, and fits within the financial parameters.

Top Providers in Louisiana

Louisiana’s commercial lighting control market is bustling with a host of providers offering state-of-the-art solutions. Among them, Energywise Solutions stands out. As a leading supplier of commercial LED lighting in Louisiana, the company has a proven track record of delivering top-notch, energy-efficient lighting solutions.


Commercial lighting controls are scripting a new narrative in Louisiana. They are revolutionizing how businesses light up their spaces while driving energy efficiency and environmental sustainability. As technology continues to evolve, these control systems will undoubtedly continue to play an instrumental role in shaping a greener, more sustainable future for Louisiana’s commercial spaces.


1. What are the types of commercial lighting controls used in Louisiana? 

There are various types including occupancy sensors, daylight harvesting systems, time scheduling, and dimming controls, among others.

2. How do commercial lighting controls contribute to energy efficiency? 

They intelligently manage the use of light in a facility, ensuring optimum illumination while minimizing energy consumption.

3. What factors should be considered when choosing commercial lighting controls? 

Factors to consider include specific lighting needs, budget, and the type of control system that suits the premises.

4. Who are some of the top providers of commercial lighting controls in Louisiana? 

There are several providers, but Energywise Solutions is a notable name as a leading supplier of commercial LED lighting.

5. How do commercial lighting controls impact the environment? 

Reduced energy consumption from efficient lighting control systems leads to lower greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to environmental sustainability.