
Energy Efficiency – What is It and What Are The Appropriate Measures Businesses Can Take?


As energy bills are set to increase over the next few years, there is energy saving measures that businesses can undertake, in order to save money and in turn, increase the ever important profit margins.  This article will look at What is Energy Efficiency and the following points:

  • The definition of energy efficiency
  • Different energy saving options available to businesses
  • Best measures businesses can take to save energy
Energy Efficiency: Definition

Are LED lights more energy efficient? -The way in which energy efficient led lighting can perhaps be best described as is “using less energy to provide the exact same service”. Here is a case study example of implementing energy efficiency measures;

‘When a person or business replaces an old window that is causing a draft in the property for a new energy efficient one then the new window will stop heat from escaping through gaps that were present in the old one. This will save money for the individual or business during the winter months and over a few years, the money spent on a new window will have been recouped. Not only will you save money in the long-run, but you can be comfortable and will be helping to be environmental stewardship too. Additionally, during the summer months, energy-efficient windows help to keep the heat out, and therefore, saving money on aspects due to not having to use the air conditioner as often’.

The case study illustrates that energy efficiency does not mean conserving energy, but rather putting in place measures that reduce energy waste. For example, switching off a light to reduce energy waste is energy conservation whereas, replacing a high wattage light bulb with an LED bulb is energy efficiency. The replacement light does exactly the same as the one that has been replaced, just more efficiently.

LED Energy Efficiency Options Available to Businesses

Now that energy efficiency has been explained in-depth, what are the options available to businesses looking to become more energy efficient? Below are a couple of examples of the measures that a business can take:

Invest in Energy Saving Jackets

Energy saving jackets can help a business to become more energy efficient as they protect valves, boilers and pipes situated on the outside of buildings from being frozen during the winter months. There’s many times pipes have become frozen and production within the workplace must come to a head due to the pipes not working, potentially costing a business a small fortune until the pipes start working again. A business may have to wait until there is an increase in temperature or have fixed the pipe through using an external source. Hiring personnel to make an on-site visit and fix the problem will just add to the cost of fixing the pipe.

Energy Efficiency Audits

Understanding exactly where and how much energy a building is losing will go a long way to help determine what can be done about the lack of energy efficiency measures. In this way, we can identify what can be implemented and/or changed.

In order to carry out an energy efficiency audit or determine energy procurement measures that can be implemented properly, be sure to seek the help of a commercial led lighting contractor. They do charge a fee, but in the long-run, mass amounts of money can be saved and is therefore, worth it. There will be areas where energy efficiency measures can be implemented that are simply not thought of or that are easily missed; an expert will know exactly what to look out for.

Andrew, the author of this article has spent many years working in the energy efficiency sector and has vast knowledge in regards to how businesses can become more energy efficient.

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